Monday, August 01, 2005 hour later

I have a list about 20 pages long of things I need to do before school starts-- change the oil in my ancient car, buy a desk, walk the dog approximately 57 times. But, I decided to spend the last hour setting up this blog. Only about 30 seconds of that was spent actually setting up the blog. The rest of the time was spent trying to name it. Maybe blogging is not such a good idea for me...

Oh well. I'm going to do it anyway. Two weeks from today I am starting law school. I've stopped reading all the material designed to freak out hopeful or imminent law students. I've stopped begging my friends currently in law school to give me advice. I've started running.

People keep asking me if I'm excited. I was. Sometimes I am. But, since I've now had 2 full weeks without work -- and have 2 more to go, I find myself thinking of ways to ask Seth if I can be a stay at home wife.


At 3:24 PM , Blogger Frith said...

I like the name. You're very clever.


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