Me and Babar, kicking some motherf**king ass
The title doesn't really relate to anything, but it was my favorite line from the aforementioned Million Little Pieces.
I celebrated my first non law school week day by hitting not one, but two targets. They are right across the street from each other in Colma, which is just south of SF. Between my trip to Haight St, the Targets and the BevMo that was in the same shopping complex, I finished all of our Christmas shopping in two days. Not bad at all, not to mention that I got to pick up a couple of rewards for myself as well. I also stopped at Macys and returned jeans that were purchased months ago.
I hated Targets and chain stores before I moved to San Francisco. Now that they are a trek from my house and not present on every corner I love the bejesus out of them. In between Targets, I got a personal pizza from Round Table and ate it in my car while listening to some horrifically cheesy music on the radio.
After all that, I managed to take the dog to get ridiculously dirty in the park, gave him a bath and scrubbed our bathroom spotless.
Break is good. Break is very good.
so which Target do you prefer? I must say I like the one by BevMo a bit more. I also love that BevMo... though I must say that there is also one on Bayshore near Cesar Chavez that is even closer to my place, so now I go there instead.
I can't wait to have a glass of wine... maybe tomorrow!
I agree -- the Target by BevMo was superior -- less crowded and better wrapping paper. Unfortunately, I had already bought almost everything at Target 1. I was looking for these little albums for all 3 grandmas and Target 1 only had 2.
The BevMo was great -- grey goose for my dad, gentlemens jack for my grandpa (yay for family drinkers being easy to shop for!). Of course some good wine for us. I wanted Conundrum...but $21 a bottle is a little rich for my blood at the moment. So, Husch's Chenin Blanc and Big House red it was...
yeah, sadly, it's not an every day bottle. I totally need to try that Evolution one you told me about, too.
Have I mentioned that I love Target?
Method wipes. Nothing better.
I didn't get the wipes, but I did get the method multi purpose spray and window cleaner, so my spotless bathroom now smells like mint and grapefruit. Ahhhh.
I know...isn't it lovely. So much better than "chemical clean smell."
I will have to get some of that next time I'm at Target (which I hope will be very soon, as it's been months since I've visited the mother ship). I really dislike being gassed when I clean the bathroom!
Also loving the simple green - doesn't smell as nice as Method, but cleans like a mo-fo.
Can you tell I'm prepping my house for the parents...
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