Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Day 2

Second day of orientation started with a sample class. I'd done the reading and thought I was prepared. And, for the first half of the class, I pretty much was. Luckily I volunteered some answers during that point so that I wasn't too worried about being called on during the "oh shit, I have no idea what he's talking about" portion of the class.

The rest of orientation was only marginally helpful. Repeated themes --maintain balance, spend time with your family, do what works for you study-wise. Had to love yesterday's voice of dissent, a professor who said maintaining balance is great but the reality is that we'll always be expected to be prepared and it will take a ton of time and we have to accept that, as will our friends and family.

Some people are wound a little tight already, and I am trying REALLY hard to avoid that. Not that I feel entirely confident about anything I need to do between now and my first real class, but I figure I have roughly 15 weeks to loose it.

On a slightly different note...my wonderful friends want to take me out for drinks tomorrow as a fun send off. I felt like a loose-bag saying no, but going out for "a" drink always turns into more and it just doesn't seem like a good move for the first day. I'm suggesting we go out Friday and hoping they don't think I'm already boring and ungrateful.


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