Tuesday, December 06, 2005

And so it is...

First exam today at 1:30. I feel surprisingly okay. I haven't blogged much about the exam prep/ anxiety because I haven't been able to put it into interesting words (see "this fucking sucks" post below). I was feeling relatively okay at first, and for the most part I was during the day. But, at night I couldn't sleep and had really violent dreams, guys beating dogs with golf clubs, more decapitated heads falling out of trees at my feet. Yeah, pretty sick.

Then, I got a good nights sleep on Sunday. No idea why. Then, I got another good nights sleep last night. My studying felt prodcutive, now I feel like I'm prepared as I can be. I'm not spazzing out (yet?) I'm drinking coffee and I feel relaxed and I'm about to get dressed like a normal person -- no sweats! -- for the first time in a week.

We'll see how I feel this afternoon.