Friday, September 08, 2006

OCI prep and a question

I have 4 interviews over a two week time period. I applied to all of the jobs I was interested and luckily got interviews with them all. Mine is a pretty chill OCI schedule compared to my friends who want to work for firms and are subjecting themselves to quadruple plus interviews. They will, however, be rewarded with a salary to speak of.

A list of things I need to do:

Hair - cut it short again, or just trim the madness? Test out products and actually try this blow drying thing.
Pedicure (closed toed shoes, but will make me feel better)
Manicure (last time I got one was my wedding)
Eyebrows - to wax or pluck? Or, maybe a weedwacker is in order.

Oh, and print my resume and references and think about what I'm actually going to say.

A question for you all: should I wear my engagement and wedding rings? I'm pretty sure I'm going to wear my wedding band. I don't want to work anywhere that doesn't want to hire a married woman. But, a friend made a good point about her e-ring. She said she just didn't want any judgment about it one way or another. In her opinion, it's not as important to a male interviewer, but a female interviewer will notice it and perhaps make some sort of judgment as to its size/ style/ etc. Thoughts?


At 10:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would say just trim for now unless it would be easier to style it if you cut it. And I'm always a fan of waxing the brows with plucking for maintenance.

as for the rings, well, a woman like that will be judging you on every possible level if she is going to get you the callback or not. I have a feeling that a woman like that is more likely to be found in biglaw, though, and is probably not as much a concern for you. And again, is that a person you want to work with or for??

At 6:38 AM , Blogger Jeanne said...

Wear your rings if you usually do. Anyone who wouldn't hire you because of the size or style of your engagement ring is probably an asshole, and better to know right away.

At 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, wear your rings. I wore mine and, if anything, I saw many rings on interviewers very similar to mine. (OK, a few that were dramatically larger, but only a few.) Frankly, your ring is YOUR RING, and if you usually wear it, it's a part of who you are. NOT wearing it almost seems false--and believe me, as much as you want to be "on" and use your "game face" during interviews, you do NOT want to be false, because they can tell.

At 7:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

(I should clarify that my ring isn't ginormous. It's pretty average and typical. Which is why I was actually comforted to see interviewers with rings like mine, like, "Hey, they're married too! And they have rings like mine!")

At 10:17 AM , Blogger ::skh:: said...

Thanks for the feedback everyone! I'm going to wear them both.

A - I'm going to wax and trim.


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