Sunday, October 16, 2005

A mighty mighty good wine...

I know nothing about wine. But, I like it and I like to try new wines, and I especially like to hang out with friends who know a lot more about it than I do and who always seem to pick the perfect bottle.

As a side note, at the wine and cheese pairing I went to with A and B last week, we had sparkling wine that was described as a “summer afternoon gallivanting through a country side picking pippins." I don't know what a pippin is, and I must say that the bubbly, while great and crisp, did not at all conjure up images of any sort of gallivant. It would be a really fun job to write descriptions for $13/ glass wines. Unfortunately I never pick up on that soft hint of melon kissed sunshine etc. that people who really know a lot about wine seem to.

Anyway, at Trader Joe's yesterday I picked up Bonny Doon's Pacific Rim Dry Riesling. Only in part because the bottle was beautiful, witty, and cork less. I'm sipping it now and it is proving to be a good blind date.

Hooray for double digit week 10.


At 8:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pippins are apples. Apparently good for baking. :)

I love that riesling -- it's darn tasty.

At 8:39 PM , Blogger ::skh:: said...

Good to know, good to know. :)

At 8:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever wrote that wine description is a retard, or drinking that bubbly is like absolutly nothing at all. Apples come into season in the fall. Either that writer was picking underipe fruit (and probably on drugs), or they are stupid (and most likely on drugs).

At 10:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,

I just thought I would check in on you. I can't believe you have only been away from us for a little over two months. Could that be possible? I see you are on week 10, so that must be. It feels like an eternity.

Anyway, it's nice to quickly read about your trials and tribulations. COme and visit us sometime. There is only me left, as you know, SM and FG have moved on.

Anyway, you are missed!



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