Thursday, February 09, 2006

Where am I and why am I in this handbasket?

Is this romper room? Oh, no? I'm in contracts? Well, there are some annoying kids in this sandbox...A friend and I realized that we should not sit across the room from each other because, well, when certain people say things in class, we pretty much laugh out loud, roll our eyes at our neighbor and then glance at each others' bright red face from afar. To top off that romper room feel, we took a class picture in the middle of class.

Apparently Prof Prop gave Prof K unsolicited advice about needing to focus more on teaching law and less time on theory. Interesting given the fact that she spent two weeks talking about Shelley v. Kramer and about an hour on the Rule of Perpetuities.

And, my final thought is that food analogies should not be used in an evening class:

Moot Court Teacher: Theme is the garlic and onions, right? Any good Italian sauce starts with garlic and onions, it's the base, the heart. Same thing with the theme for your argument. Mmmm...sauce...


At 8:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wheee! Let's build a sandbox.

And let's play dress-up! We can wear cowboy hats!


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