Sunday, May 25, 2008

Notes to self

A friend gifted me with "stuff for my desk" for graduation(including a girly calandar which was funny but is beside the point). So, I posted an "S" sticky note in front of me that says, "THIS IS THE BAR." To cover a little chip in the wall that drives me batty, I posted, "The more you do now, the sooner you can have a drink!"

Today I had the - oh this is why the bar really sucks - moment. I went to work out, then had the husband drop me off at school where I was meeting someone to study. He left and... the building was closed. And, I forgot my cell phone. My anxiety spiked and I ate three cookies on my walk home. Still, after wasting a lot of time this morning I had a pretty productive day of Con law despite lots of random feelings of I will NEVER learn all this. EVER. And I want more cookies.

Now we're going to go with some friends to see Indiana Jones. Yay!


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