Monday, November 21, 2005


Quote of the day -- from prof. K as he was trying to start a video presentation : "You would think that as a young prof. I would know how to do this shit."

Property was a circus today. Prof. property asked us if we thought that a 100% estate tax (the proceeds to be used so that everyone could go to college for free) would = an unconstitutional taking of property. The arguments that some people made were frustrating to say the least. Sorry, but if I work hard and accrue an estate, I feel pretty strongly that I should be able to pass it on to whomever I want, especially if I have kids. And, I highly doubt that such a measure would deter the Paris Hilton's of the world...

I must admit that it's interesting to observe where the line is drawn and what kind of box you get put into when making policy comments in class. People probably think that I'm waiting to inherit a load of cash from my folks or that I don't care about funding higher education.


At 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah. I was riled up, but didn't say anything because I don't need enemies yet.

I liked your neighbor's comment. And she's right - if I knew that my kids could only inherit $1mil, I'd either gift them the rest while I was still alive, or spend it all myself. I think most people would do the same. Then where would Prof Property's college fund be?

At 6:50 PM , Blogger ::skh:: said...

Yeah, I think I have enemies. Oh well...

At 8:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for you for saying what you think... and isn't it also great that there is blind grading?! some of my friends are in Professor Property's seminar this semester and are dreading that their papers are not graded blindly.

oh well. I don't think I would have gotten very far in that discussion anyway, given that I don't think everyone is meant to go to college. ;)

At 9:40 AM , Blogger ::skh:: said...

Oh boy -- I would be in a bad way if I had to write a paper w/o blind grading in her class. At least she admits her biases -- she told us a story about someone writing on a desk that she was nice and sweet but a commie.

At 10:13 AM , Blogger Sethonious said...

Power to the rich. We must keep the wealth from the masses. Fuck "trickle down" economics, how bout "You Already Taxed Me Once And Now It's Mine Mutha Fucka" economics. I hate people who are too liberal for their own good. Tell those jerkwads to go write for the daily worker and leave my money alone...

At 4:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! »


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