Friday, April 07, 2006

Still Friday Night

Interesting that I have been blogging less since admonishing myself not to whine. I had a lovely dinner with friends last night and lunch with A today. Still feeling stressed and tired. I have tryouts for moot court and trial team on the same day next week. So, I've been outlining and trying to come up with brilliant arguments and closing arguments and cross examinations. At least I can watch law and order and say it's for a good cause because the trial team members actually said: "When in doubt, think, WWJMD -- What Would Jack McCoy Do?"

It's Friday night and I'm watching some dumb show called "Survival of the Richest" and drinking tea. Conviction is on at 10. Trying to decide if I'll stay up or not, you know, in the name of research.

I felt oddly excited to be included on this list.


At 8:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you watch Conviction? Is it worth the VHS tape?

On a related note, I still have that SVU tape, so let me know if you want it.

At 8:12 AM , Blogger ::skh:: said...

Yup, watched Conviction. I've been watching it every Friday. I missed the first one, but the family I babysit for Tivod it for me so I watched that last night. It is worth the VHS tape. Can be a little soap opera-y at times, but still good.

At 12:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it's sort of like Grey's Anatomy in a prosecutor's office. :)

At 9:07 AM , Blogger Sethonious said...


Jack McCoy doesn't watch conviction... he GETS convictions.

Someone should watch all the L+O's and figure out his conviction rate. (I would guess 97.8%) They should also figure out the percentage of times that he breaks it wide open when the defendant testifies and he railroads them.

WWJMD... Kick ass and take names.

At 12:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going to make something for you. A little crafty gift.

In this context, the word "crafty" should not be interpreted to involve anything like glue, yarn, beads, or anything that can be purchased at a Michael's store.


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