Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Last semester is finally OVER

The saga of the property grade continues. Apparently it was submitted to records yesterday but had to be given back to Prof P because it didn't confirm to the curve (note, she is a tenured prof who has been grading to our school's curve for some time). Today our class rep tells us that the grades should be up soon. At some point during Civ Pro (I sit in the back) I see a student in front of me check her grade and an IM fury breaks out across the room. I refuse to check my grade in class (at this point we're about 1/2 way through the class period). But, I am getting panicy-er by the minute, almost registering a full on anxiety attack. After class I go hide in a quiet spot and check.

I'm not thrilled, but it's a solid grade that's a helluva lot better than civ pro. I officially never have to think about the class again...until I look over my exam to see why the grade wasn't thrilling. I've decided I want at least a certain level of thrilling.