Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Peanut Butter/ Canned Fish

Our 4th of July has gone something like this:

Wake up late, putz around, drink coffee. Damn, why is it so foggy?
What should we do today? Damn, why is it so foggy?
We could take the dog to the beach, but we just got the car cleaned, and DAMN IT IS SO FOGGY.

Took the dog to the park across the street and decided to go bowling. We didn't suck and it was fun. Went to check out what people were catching on the pier. People were catching all kinds of fish. We also saw someone catch a bird on their line :( and a shark. It was packed with at least a hundred people and many of them BBQing on small webbers right next to pigeon poo and fish guts.

I'd decided I wanted to make Key Lime bars. So, we stopped at Ranch 99 Market on the way home. Oh man was that an experience. Specializing in Asian and Phillipino food, I couldn't really make sense of anything. Peanut butter next to the canned fish? Condensed milk in the coffee aisle? Snacks called "Hot Kid?" Yes, this all makes sense in another cultural perspective, but was very disorienting at the time. And why, God, why so many people? And where are the animal crackers for my crust? We ended up substituting Butter Coconut cookies. Husband suggested something called Digestive Biscuit at first, but the name really turned me off.

Recipe forthcoming.


At 7:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

have you ever had Vietnamese-style drip coffee? it drips into a glass of condensed milk. when it's done, you swirl them together and it's the best caffeine buzz ever. YUM.

At 3:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »


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