Sunday, October 28, 2007

I'd rather be...

In college, my roommates and I used to play a game where we would list in horrific, morbid detail all of the things we would rather be doing than sitting in class, studying, writing a paper, etc. Things like: pulling all my nails off and eating them. Gross, I know. Now I am much less prone to make gory, graphic lists. But, if I were to make a list this morning of things I'd rather do than study for the MPRE, read remedies, or revise things for the competition I have in less than two weeks, it would include Christmas shopping for others and... just shopping... for myself. Things I want today (the second is a find from my much more fashionable friend.)


At 9:04 AM , Blogger Shopping's My said...

ooh, i do so love that sweater...sigh. the watch is fabulous too, i can totally see you wearing it!


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