Thursday, October 04, 2007

It's a myth people.

3L is not any easier, at least not in the amount of work. As I've mentioned before, there is less fear that we can't get through the semester or (for some of us) won't get hired. We know we won't pass out when speaking in public or being called on when unprepared. But, the fear is replaced with fatigue and I have just as much work to do this fall as I did last fall. More so because I'm doing 2 trial competitions. So, while last year I could cross something off my list completely after my first competition, this year it's just, cross something off my list but no reduction in workload.

I've taken to having pre coffee caffeine in the form of Chai tea before I leave the house.


At 8:37 AM , Blogger Sethonious said...

Sorry sweetheart... at least you are more than 2/3s done.


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