Thanks, Mom
Yesterday my mom told me, in a very sugar coated way, that I am: "Harsh, judgmental, and snobby."
She's completely right.
Yesterday my mom told me, in a very sugar coated way, that I am: "Harsh, judgmental, and snobby."
Me, to husband: "Someday, can we have a house where we have a place for duct tape that isn't under the coffee table?"
I'm trying to make a crim pro outline, despite major food coma and painfully tight pants. Husband is in the other room watching a show called something like "How it's Made." A show that I really, really, relly don't understand. Today they are showing how toothpicks and ceramic bathtubs are made. And, he's watching it. No, really.
Earlier this semester, I posted about my lack of ability to find music that fit this semester. I could link to that post, but it was kind of whiney and I'm absolutely lazy. Anyhow, I found it. Husband and I drunk downloaded. Here it is:
Option 1: Good summer job opportunity, long commute, moderate long term potential, get to stay where you currently live for now, and if long term potential came to be, would have to consider a move to the outskirts of the larger area where you currently live.
I have officially crossed the line in to freakshow mode (or, evil law school banshee according to the husband). One sign:
Husband has mapped out a future project for us. Our very own nonprofit to research, build, and run in all of our planned spare time...