It's all going to be okay. No, really.
Went and saw Match Point with B on Friday -- loved it. Another friend called when I was on my way home and met me at my house for a cocktail. She stayed for a fabulous dinner cooked by the husband. A wonderful Friday. Then the friend left and I lost it. Like bat shit insane lost it. I've been trying to be more positive and less self-esteem-in-the-toilet this semester. I'm working harder in hopes that it pays off, but I'm trying to smoke less and be healthier and more balanced and blah, blah, blah. I have a rocking summer job lined up. I should be happy about all this, yes? Tell it to the (wonderful) husband who (God bless him) had to listen to me blather incoherently about how I feel inadequate all the time and how I'm not a good law student or wife and I'm ugly and law school is making me fat and our house is a mess and wah!!!
The only reason I can come up with is that I've been repressing lots of little feelings of stress and inadequacy and they just caught up with me. Last week was exhausting and it all hit at once after too much wine. I suffered from what we in the SKH household call "puppy meltdown."
I woke up today feeling a little hungover and puffy, but resigned. I outlined and read for contracts and took the dog to the park. I drank Conundrum while taking a hot bath...